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For a closer look at my work you are welcome to browse the links below,
clicking an image will take you to my Nikon Image Space portfolios..

Room Fragrances  Room Fragrance Diffusers,
 Sprays and Candles
Jewelry & Watches Jewellery and Watches
Food and Drink Food and Drink
Portraits Portraits,
People and Pets
Glassware and cutlery Glassware and Cutlery
Fireside Multi-fuel Stoves, Electric Fires,
and Fireside Accessories.
Body and Beauty products Body and Beauty Products
Automotive Parts Automotive Parts
Performers Performers,
Music and Dance.
Image Manipulation Image Manipulation.
Artwork, Compositing, Colouring,
Artificial Ageing and Image Restoration.
Misc Product Photography Other product photography
Behind the scenes images Behind the Scenes
A look at my working environment.


You are welcome to browse any of the above portfolios.